Friday, December 3, 2010

Welcome to ADs Unexplored

I wanted to start a blog based on something I have studied in the past and wow.. I struck an idea (not the reverse), I struck it before it struck me. Ads- I just love them. In my childhood I used to call the word as Abendees in stead of advertisement. Even now I say the same word due to love of it. When India hates ads because it comes in between their favourite serials and movies, I hate serials because it comes in between my favourite ads. Capturing your mind for just a few seconds and selling proucts is more difficult than making a movie of few hours and still they don't make you understand what the director rally wants us to understand. Directors coming from Ad world are very popular and their product is really entertaining. The best example is Rajiv Menon. So lets start our critique of our most popular Satan of serials - ADS.

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