Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Cadburys Dairy Milk - Age old Rivalry

The new ad of Cadburys brings the age old rivalry between daughter in law and mother in law (MIL) to sweet memory. The ad shows a song being played by road festival and daughter in law enjoying the song. The sudden entry of mother in law brings the daughter in law (DIL) to respectful pose and salutation - "Athai" and both are seen as rivals, but as soon as DIL gives to MIL Cadburys , both smile and dance together in front of full crowd and festival. Now over to comments.

The theme of relationships is simply superb and says Cadburys dairy milk can even bring rivals as allies in dance. Both enjoy the dance and smile together. The music is simply awesome and the dance steps by both the persons  stands out. As such, the ad has become a hit and has been running for more than 1 year. The ad can be watched at

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fanta - A New Trend with no Personalities

Can you imagine a soft drink without any film stars? It started with Pepsi bringing in film stars, which include the stars like Sachin, Aishwarya Rai, Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Dhoni, etc. Then Coca Cola had its own line of stars like, Hrithik Roshan, Aamir Khan, etc. At later stage, it came to a stage that no film star no soft drink ad. Coca COla started to break that image for soft drinks. It introduced Coca Cola ad with jashn mana le, with less focus on Hrithik Roshan. And out it went with Fanta ad, which usually featured Trisha, Rani Mukherjee, Tamanna, etc., with cartoon and good music. The cartoon is unique due to its quality and personification. The ad became a hit in a world of soft drink-film star nexus ads. Hats off to Coca cola for the brave attempt. 

The ad has no story or theme, its just drink, jump and enjoy. Such a simple ad and next set of ads has also come. In Tamil, they roped in Vijay Antony to sing the ad and its good to hear it. The idea conveyed is simple, don't think much, just enjoy the drink. It would have been better if Coca cola had invested the salary paid out to film stars in product quality and done something for health of customers. Anyway, good change in trend, Coca cola march on.

The ad can be reached at

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ceat Tyres - Really Born Tough

I remember Ceat tyre ads in my childhood days. Its no because the ads were really good or very creative. Its because of the mascot of Ceat of rhinocerous and the cute two liner caption "Born Tough". Now why am I writing about this old tyrewalla ad. It is because of the recent ads of Ceat which has in a real change in the ad world. Previously and recently, tyre ads would be some vehicle going through tough terrain in settings, or tyre showing comfort like a feather falling on a tyre. Now quite contrary to the traditional ads, we have Ceat Tyre ads showing the real Indian roads and the actual scenario of driving on indian roads. One of the ads shows a man talking on his cellphone and moving with baby trolley and all of a sudden he turns the trolley to the raod carelessly and the speeding twp wheeler applies brakes. The fun part of it is the man scolding the two wheeler - "Dikhta naheen hai?" This is very true of what happens in Indian roads. People are so careless and put blame on others for their own mistakes.

Another os the ad shows a famile on a two wheeler crossing a junction with traffic light showing green. Suddenly a drunken gypsy comes from nowhere and just misses the bike and speeds off. The husband and wife is stunned. the wife presses her husband's hand, showing the trust on him. People not following signals is another common thing in Indian roads. Another thing to be noted in these ads is the Ceat 's choice of two wheeler for showing tyres instead of the usual four wheelers. The reason is two wheelers need more balance and are moredependent on tyres than four-wheelers. Ads should talk of practical situations not showing tyres in ac showrooms and in studios. Take the tyre out of the showcase and ride on the Indian roads to know the ultimate truth - It happens only in India.

See the ad at : CEAT AD 1 CEAT AD 2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kalyan Jewellers - Belief is all that is

When we hear the word "Vishwasam", we know only one name Kalyan. I am talking about the malayalam ad which shook the very basics of jewellery ad industry which portrays only features of the product. Here we have a ad which shows a family drama and mind you not even a single jewelery on the mother or the eloping girl. A jewelery ad with no jewelery at all. Are you nuts? The whole media amd the audience was taken back. Previously, we had big wigs of brabded gold, like Bhima , Alukkas, Alappatt and Chemmanur investing heavily on beautiful girls and portraying designs and showing only wedding ceremonies. Here comes our young Che Guevara Kalyan with an ad showing a mini serial with a girl eleoping but decided against it , because of strong belief on father on daughter. I liked one thing about the ad that when a girl elopes, the most hurt figure is indeed the father. The father in the ad quickly forgives the girl once he understands his belief and trust had won.

Who knows Kalyan Jewellers before the ad of vishsam athalle ellaam? Kalyan went in to for mass advertising and opening new stores and suddenly it joined the elite club of top branded jewellers - All due to success of the ad. That is the power of advertising. It brings the customer to you, after that its all about servicing the customer. But advertising is the ignition key. Kalyan came with next ad with similar theme of girl trying to elope from temple. But the trust of father on daughter won over the immature love. Once anything is famous, soon comes the critics with all the mistakes in them. People started thinking what of the loss of vishvasam of the boy. But Kalyan is not concerned, It says our focus was on vishshvam and not on individual. There is yet another way of looking at the ad. Girl is the customer who tries to go to competitor (boy in the ad) to buy jewellery but remebering the services of Kalyan (love of the father), she returns. Kalyan moves ahead with the new ad featuring Prithviraj focusing on the theme - Parambaryam. Kalyan needs to come with a head turner if it wants to remain as the best. But as of now, it can piggyback on the vishvasam ad for quite some time.

The ad can be reached at

Monday, March 21, 2011

TVS Wego - Its really got body balance

Two couples riding on two different TVS Wegos. the focus is on pillion riders, who compete with each other to show different moves and tricks that can be done due to better balance of the vehicle. What is so special about this ad? The first thing I felt is that it is a cut from the rest of ads of two wheelers, which focuses on the rider. Here the focus is on pillion riders. And it is a normal Indian ad with wives competing for simple reasons, which might sound ridiculous. The ad speaks of envy between wives and the patience husbands have since they stop the vehicle only at the signal. Also, the attitude of the old towards the upcoming young, which is shown by the old lady covering her dog's eyes,while the ladies are fighting.

The main reason while people love this ad is the musicwhihc suits the ad so much. Lets analyse the music. Music is something which should make you remember the whole song when it is played for just 5 seconds. The ad music does that. It starts with western type of bit then moves to traditional music bit and voice of old lady and young voice which says appadi podu. Appadi podu is the hit song of tamil film -Gilli. So the music reminds of that song and the way it is sung, you can't identify it is Tamil being sung. We talk of National integration so long, but this song does it. And the words are short - Its the new TVS Wego Its got body balance, which is the outstanding feature of the vehicle and it is what is required in a two wheeler. Overall the ad is a channel stopper.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Airtel - Is this how you express yourself?

Airtel is one of my favourite brands, reason being ,they stand one step away from the crowd and make the crowd come to them. That airtel arey tujhe kya hogaya re? The latest ads of airtel. I feel I am seeing some 5th standard student had come up with the ad. and their logo - OMG, it would have been better if airtel had not expressed itself. The new logo is a mix of videocon and vodafone. Why did airtel want to go after the crowd in spite of being a huge success? The latest ad is the human version of Hutch dog- entertainment goees along with you, Please airtel, Bakhwas Bandh Kar.

Why did airtel become my favourite and why I am so worried as though my variable pay is linked to its market share? Airtel roped in A R Rehman to make a jingle, which no one else did. The airtel tune became the ring tone, caller tune, etc of many people. The ad, which says conspire, consult, inspire, negotiate, is indeed a masterpiece and all airtel offices had the same screenshots of the ad and the words saying what telecom is all about. Airtel then roped in the controversial Saif-Kareena pair and showed it as a totally home product with airtel digital tv. The ads of celebrties coming to a middle class person's home, swithcing on recording feature in settop box using a cellphone was a class in itself. Airtel then went southwrad and roped in Madhavan and Vidya Balan to connect with South Indian audience. Doing all this and finally coming with and ad of a joker follwoing a girl and dancing and finally saying entertainment follows you on airtel 3G- Total Bakhwas - seems as though Vodafone Marketing Head took over Airtel.

It would be better if Airtel expresses itself properly instead of asking the audience to express yourself.

Welcome to ADs Unexplored

I wanted to start a blog based on something I have studied in the past and wow.. I struck an idea (not the reverse), I struck it before it struck me. Ads- I just love them. In my childhood I used to call the word as Abendees in stead of advertisement. Even now I say the same word due to love of it. When India hates ads because it comes in between their favourite serials and movies, I hate serials because it comes in between my favourite ads. Capturing your mind for just a few seconds and selling proucts is more difficult than making a movie of few hours and still they don't make you understand what the director rally wants us to understand. Directors coming from Ad world are very popular and their product is really entertaining. The best example is Rajiv Menon. So lets start our critique of our most popular Satan of serials - ADS.